Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015


Art Generators


Jackson Pollock:
This art generator is really easy to use. You just have to move your mouse around and click to change colors. The one downside is that it is hard to pause and you can't save your work unless its a screenshot. Otherwise its really cool.
This generator is another one that is really easy to use. You just pick your color and make beautiful drawings out of colorful strands of silk. Unlike some of the other generators, this one lets you download and save your art.
This one is probably geared more toward little kids. It was still kind of entertaining but the drawing you get to color aren't that good. Although it doesn't let you save you drawings, if you really wanted to keep it then you can screenshot it.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Stop Motion Response

This stop motion project was fun and challenging. I think next time I will definitely take more pictures and focus on the details like lighting and whether things shift or not. It was nice to do something different and gain an appreciation for movies like Wallace and Gromit or Coraline because I now know how time consuming making those movies can be.